تحية إكبار لكل يد حملت حجرا واجهت به الرصاص و القنابل
تحية إجلال لكل ساعد التف حول غصن الزيتون يحميه من الجرافات
تحية تقدير لكل قطرة دم سالت على أرضك يا فلسطين يا أبية
تحية من أعماق القلب لشعب أعاد صياغة مفاهيم الصمود و الصبر والعزة
تحية عطرة لأراوح كل شهداء فلسطين
لم اُرد أن يمر هذا اليوم دون أكتب بعض الأسطر اثني فيها على استبسال هذا الشعب العظيم ووقوفه منذ عقود في وجه عدو لم يدخر جهدا ولا وسيلة، اعتقد سذاجة منه، أنها ستدفع بالفلسطينيين إلى الخضوع والإستسلام. هذا الشعب الذي عانى الأمرين. أقول عانى، أجعلها في صيغة الماضي لأن أحد الأمرّين قد بدأ اليوم بالتساقط ألا وهو الصمت العربي. فاليوم خرجت الشعوب العربية صارخة مزمجرة بعد سنوات طويلة من الإلجام و التكبيل و هاهي ترفع صوتها عاليا منددة بأكبر مظلمة في تاريخ الإنسانية، في تدليل على أن صمتها كان مفروضا لا اختياريا. صمت فرضه عليها الحكام المستبدون، العملاء الخائنون المطبعون مع كيان بني صهيون. اليوم قال الشارع العربي كلمته و طالب بحق العودة للمهجرين و بحق كل فلسطيني في أرضه وحوّل ذكرى النكبة إلى موعد يمكن أن يتحول في غد قريب إلى عيد.
الأمرّ الأول إذا هو الصمت الرسمي العربي الذي ترك الفلسطينيين يتخبطون في دمائهم ناظرا إليهم في برود ولامبالاة، أما الأمرّ الثاني فهو الشبح الصهيوني الذي سكن ديار القدس والخليل وحيفا وجنين ودفع بسكانها إلى خارج البلاد، إلى مخيمات الاجئين، ويخيم حول المسجد الأقصى وقبة الصخرة يرى مكانهما هيكلا مزعوما ليتعبد فيه المجانين.
ولكن هذا الشبح اليوم يرتجف مذعورا من شمس قد تشرق فتحرقه و تبدّده، شمس الربيع العربي التي بدأ نورها يلوح في الأفق.
لن يتحرر الأقصى غدا، وإن كان هذا حلم كل أحرار العالم، ولكننا اليوم خطونا خطوة عملاقة في اتجاه إعادة أرض سلبها الإنجليز وقدموها هدية في طبق من ذهب لبني صهيون. فاعلم اليوم يا بلفور أن وعد الله لا وعد يعلو عليه، إذ وعد الصابرين بالنصر وشعب فلسطين خير الصابرين.
As twitter do not allow long posts, here is a note to answer @rabbiamnon reply to my tweet. Here is the video he sent me :
I will be answering each of the points that Mr Prager talked about with the shortest that I can :
The easiest issue to describe, of course it is: A population arrived to land, slaughtered its local inhabitants and proclaimed a state on that land.
We don’t recognize a Jewish state, and we’ll never do, because Palestine and Jerusalem does not belong only to Jews, but also to Muslim and Christians.
Gamal Abdennaser : Nasser has never been a dictator, he was one of the most adored presidents by his people, and the day he announced his resignation, millions of people went in the streets asking him not to resign, and the day of his funerals, many people threw themselves out of building tops... if that man was a dictator, I think I would like to be one too!
No recognition, No negotiation and no peace: If someone comes to your house, kick you out of it, murder your father and mother under your sight, and tell you that his ancestors lived in that land so he came back, hundreds of years later to take (which is not even true) , would you think about recognition, negotiation or peace with him??? If there is No JUSTICE, There will be No PEACE.
The Sinai Peninsula: this region is part of Egypt and has never been a property of the zionist state that only occupied it in 1956 and then during the six day war of 1967. I don’t think it’s a favour that Zionist gave back Sinai to Egypt.
Zionist desire of peace: I am not going back to history, but just refreshing memory about the negotiations between Zionists and Palestinians, chaired by the USA. Mr Mr Obama, who said he would solve the middle-east problem, has never been able to honour his promise and the only cause for that is that the “State of Israel” did not accept to stop construction of colonies in Jerusalem. Palestinians did all what US wanted them to do, but...
Allah wants Jews to be killed: Allah DOES NOT want Jews to be killed, and neither do I, or any other Arab or Muslim. There is a big difference between Jews and zionists. Jews, such as Muslims and Christians, are believers and the prophet Mohammad (PPUH) teached as that whoever kills a believer, is no more considered as Muslim and that he will be punished for that. But we cannot accept what zionists are doing to our brothers in Palestine, and it’s our duty to rescue them and if it should be by killing Zionists, then we do not care. When someone strats fighting you with the will to kill you, you have to, and you certainly will, fight back and kill him if necessary. We can be friends with Jews, but not with those who occupy our land and slaughter our brothers.
We love death, as much Jews love life: Death is not a pleasure or something funny to do, but when you have no more solutions, when you are desperate, when you cannot take your child to a hospital because zionists block to road, when you have nothing more to lose, death and life become equal, and if you die for your land, fighting for you right, than you would have no regrets doing it.
“Israel” is of the size of El Salvador: when you are 4 feet tall, skinny and with no physical force, but you got an M16, many guns and bombs, and in addition to that you have a seven feet tall friend, with huge muscles and the biggest army in the world, you can fight anyone, destroy whatever you want and even kill who you want. This is the reality of this “little” state of “Isreal” and its big American friend. This “little poor” state has the sixth nuclear power in the world, but no one worries about that, they prefer to occupy Iraq for non-founded doubts that Saddam got MDW.
The history of Palestine: I think Mr Prager and you my dear friend have to go back to historical books or at least to Wikipedia to know that Palestine and Jerusalem were under Muslim rule between 634 and 1918 AD, with only a crusader period (1099-1187 AD) and after that, zionists took control of the region and it’s the Franco-British boundaries agreement in 1920 that set the border lines, so even saying that we only started talking about a Palestinian state just to destroy “Israel” is completely false.
Even if I am sure that what I wrote will never make pro-Israel change their minds, but take and objective look to the situation there, read this (if you understand French) http://bit.ly/iMvoOu and judge by yourself, who are the real Terrorists.
Palestine will be free one day, and that day is no longer far.